About Us

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We have 13 beatiful grandchildren and 9 wonderful children, not to mention 3 beautiful daughter in laws and 4 brilliant son in laws. Our family is our priority, even far far away, we keep tabs on all of them. We are now living our dream, serving our mission in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mekong River Boat Trip 1st half

On Aug 21,'09 Five senior couples took a 3 hour boat trip up to a small island well known for it's silk weaving and back to Phnom Penh. How do you like our rig? Notice the sign "for sale or rent". No, we didn't buy it! The scenery was very fascinating. You will get a whole new idea about "river front property"! Notice the lady bending down in the picture below. She was washing a hand full of green onions off----so glad she wasn't fixing OUR dinner! Be sure to look at the following blog (it was all to be one blog but I had computer problems!) where you will see a real contrast to the type of houses along the river front! Watching the hand weaving of silk was very interesting also. Dad was very intrigued with the old war ship and its guns. The end of the trip shows a couple skyline pictures of Asian buildings including a Wat. I couldn't help but think of James Bond adventure movies with their romantic scenes on the mighty Mekong. Where were the fancy private yacht and the starry night sky? It was a marvelous trip anyway!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Wow, those are some beautiful homes.